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GO!Moments for Your Company...Sponsored by TCCG


Wednesday, September 19, 2018

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In the next 5-10 years, if you plan on selling your company or passing it on to a son or daughter, there are things to do now so that you are ahead of those things needed to increase the market and economic value of your company and/or to support the future leaders of your company as they take over the reigns of leadership. In addition, the systems, procedures, reports and records that you will be asked about when, or if, you take your company to market, are many of the very things that will enable you to run your company more efficiently, more profitably and more effectively now. The longer you have your company "firing on all cylinders," the better the hand-off will be to your successors and/or the more attractive your company will be to a buyer.

-Greg Clendenin

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